About Us

​Rodger Davis
Rodger learned horsemanship from his grandfather, a Canadian cowboy. His enriched childhood was full of colorful cowboy tales. His teaching skills came from his education degree from Florida State University. Rodger furthered his horsemanship and graduated from Sierra Horsemanship School in Bishop, California. He currently has shoeing students under his tutelage learning the balanced shoeing method. Endurance racing has always been a passion for Rodger. He proudly wears his Tevis Cup buckle from the arduous and most difficult endurance race in the United States - The Western States 100 mile 24-hour ride. He is especially proud to have the opportunity to ride with his daughter, Katie, a skillful competitor earning two first place junior titles.

Casey Davis
Casey has ridden horses since before she could walk. She is a high point dressage graduate from Meredith Manor in Waverly West Virginia. Her lessons emphasize safety and fun. Casey wears the colors of Palm Beach Hunt where she fox hunted for over ten years while owning and operating Palm Beach Equestrian Center in West Palm Beach, Florida. She taught the first group of Mounted Sheriff Posse in Palm Beach County. Casey is a licensed Thoroughbred trainer who prefers to train horses and riders for endurance racing. Casey has two Tevis Cup completions. She recently received two coins from two United States Air Force Air Mobility Generals for outstanding service.

​Sarah Sanders
Trainer - Instructor
Sarah began her career with horses under the tutelage of Casey and Rodger. She has years of riding experience in all areas of the equestrian world. As a trainer, Sarah starts young horses and trains them to carry a rider. As a competitor, she is equally at home riding dressage tests, jumping courses and reining patterns, general cattle handling, basic cutting and endurance riding. As an instructor, she has taught students from the basic skills of riding to earning blue ribbons in hunter, jumper and dressage. Sarah has seized inspiration and furthered her skills with the opportunity to work under world-renowned trainers. Working under Susan Baker, the world-renowned Monte Foreman prodigy and a Foreman Certified Instructor, is a once in a lifetime experience. Susan celebrates six world status championships in reining, working cow horse, cutting, jumping and cross-country. Monte Foreman was America’s foremost trainer of horses and riders. Many of the great modern advances in western training and overall riding skills have come from Foreman’s’ years of research into action and interaction of horse and rider, always with the aim of improving their athletic ability as a team. He was the last US Calvary instructor at Fort Riley, Kansas.
Sarah has also studied under Janiece Johnson-Wilson, who trains Arizona Gymkhana Grand Champion participants in all events. Janiece was also a student of Monte Foreman and is one of the last remaining Foreman Certified Instructors.